Update Version 33-34
Update Version 33-34
Hello Evolved Community,
Before we get to the actual fixes, we have to inform you that some of the most recent completed cultivations might got reverted, which means you'll need to re-do them.
- In case you were stuck at the Chrono Wraiths of Chaotic Soul quest, and/or didn't finish "Enter Neverfall!" (The Light returns) before the engine patch, you will have to re-do them
- Possibly being able to re-do other quests, which rewards you already received (Yes, you can keep both rewards)
Thats pretty much all, but on the other side it has fixed every single report, that was ever made since the Engine upgrade and everything (That isn't client crashing related) will work just as stable and properly as before.
Side effects: If you reached meanwhile, e.g: Shifting Sky X you might re-receive the Unique rewards for that boundary again (So that's an actual benefit)
The Fixes/Changes
- Enhanced security in all regards of exploitable Quest mixing (Cultivations re-popping up/being repeatable)
- Nation Wars map was fixed to display lands properly
- All Neverfall Quests will work properly now
- All Daily Quests will work properly now
- Chaotic Soul/Celestial saint cultivations will work properly now
- Primordial Pearl exchange will work properly now
- TW Scoreboard will disappear when leaving the instance
- Primordial Blood in Faction Base Resource Manager exchange will work properly now
- Everything related to cultivations and their possible collisions
- Entering Unicorn Forest will work properly now
- Binding items will work properly now
- Selling items in Catshops will work properly now
- Merdian messages are again displayed in english
- Treasure System Interface should be accessible now to everyone (relogging might be required)
- Various reports that were simply fixed on its own, once the global fixes were applied and corrected (Important fix)
- Registering a Wedding will work properly now
- Various Client crash reports were fixed
- Reversed following skills to their previous calculation in damage:
- ΨCursed Jail Golden - Adjusted damage calculation of skill
- ΨCursed Jail Verdant - Adjusted damage calculation of skill
- ΨCursed Jail Ethereal - Adjusted damage calculation of skill
- ΨCursed Jail Sanguine - Adjusted damage calculation of skill
- ΨCursed Jail Argent - Adjusted damage calculation of skill