To customize your character, you must purchase either the Makeover Scroll or the Advanced Makeover Scroll from the Cubi Shop or the Event Shop. Press O to open both shops!
(Link to the guide on how to acquire EG/Cubi)
Makeover Scroll: 1 Event Gold / 1 Cubi
Advanced Makeover Scroll: 10 Event Gold / 2 Cubi
You can also get a Makeover Scroll from the PW Boutique Agent for 50 Tokens of Luck.
This NPC can be found near the Banker in the main cities.
The only difference between both scrolls is that the Advanced one allows you to edit the right and left sides of your eyes and mouth separately, so you can create a wink or smirk. But you’re also able to achieve those in the ini file itself and use only a normal Makeover Scroll to apply the pre-set.
After purchasing a Makeover Scroll, bring it to any Cosmetic Master:
Cosmetic Master Illian - Archosaur Northeast (576, 686)
Behind Illian, you'll find the NPC Magic Mirror, which allows you to swap your gender using the item Siamese Fruit (50 Event Gold / 4 Cubi).
Important Note: Untamed characters (Barbarians and Venomancers) and married characters cannot switch genders. You will need to divorce first.
Other Cosmetic Masters (without Magic Mirror):
Cosmetic Master Yu - City of Plume (334, 416)
Cosmetic Master Yun - Archosaur Southwest (532, 634)
Cosmetic Master Tsai - Etherblade (438, 890)
Cosmetic Master Feng - City of the Lost (258, 649)
Cosmetic Master Quin - Tellus City (373, 220)
Ini files are presets you can select while editing your character, either when creating a new one or when customizing an existing character with a Makeover Scroll.
You can find ini files in the following game folder:
C:\Program Files\Evolved-PWI-Multi-Core\element\userdata\character\customize
Each folder represents a class, with separate folders for each gender:
00 Male BM
01 Female BM
10 Male Wizard
11 Female Wizard
20 Male Psychic
21 Female Psychic
30 None
31 Venomancer
40 Barbarian
41 None
50 Male Assassin
51 Female Assassin
60 Male Archer
61 Female Archer
70 Male Cleric
71 Female Cleric
80 Male Seeker
81 Female Seeker
90 Male Mystic
91 Female Mystic
100 Male Duskblade
101 Female Duskblade
110 Male Stormbringer
111 Female Stormbringer
These files can be opened and edited using Notepad.
To edit your existing character, follow these steps:
1. Use a Makeover Scroll on a Cosmetic Master to open the customization interface.
2. Save your current appearance in the preset list; this creates an ini file in the game folders.
3. Important: Remember to cancel the Makeover Scroll interface to avoid wasting the item just to save a preset.
If you're missing folders for the Nightshade classes, they will appear after saving a pre-set as explained above.
In the folders you will find your ini. file named after what you chose, which, once opened will have following editable possibilities:
scaleUp = head top length/slider
scaleMiddle = head middle length/slider
scaleDown = jaw length/slider
idFaceShape1 = top face shape (can be mixed)
idFaceShape2 = bottom face shape (can be mixed)
blendFaceShape = ?
scaleFaceH = face width
scaleFaceV = face depth/length
idFaceTex = face texture
idFalingSkin = nose crease model
idFalingTex = nose crease texture
offsetForeheadH = forehead width
offsetForeheadV = forehead height
offsetForeheadZ = forehead depth
rotateForehead = forward/backward rotation
scaleForehead = forehead size
offsetYokeBoneH = cheekbone width
offsetYokeBoneV = cheekbone height
offsetYokeBoneZ = cheekbone depth
rotateYokeBone = up/down rotation
scaleYokeBone = cheekbone size
offsetCheekH = cheek width
offsetCheekV = cheek height
offsetCheekZ = cheek depth
scaleCheek = cheek size
offsetChainV = chin height
offsetChainZ = chin depth
rotateChain = forward/backward rotation
scaleChainH = chin width
offsetJawH = jaw width
offsetJawV = jaw height
offsetJawZ = jaw depth
scaleJawSpecial = lower jaw depth
scaleJawH = horizontal width
scaleJawV = vertical alignment
idThirdEye = third eye id
idEyeBaseTex = "set", eye base texture
idEyeHighTex = eye shadow texture
idEyeBallTex = eyeball texture
idEyeShape = eye shape
scaleEyeH = eye width
scaleEyeV = eye openness
rotateEye = up/down rotation
offsetEyeH = eye distance
offsetEyeV = eye height
offseteyeZ = eye depth
scaleEyeBall = eyeball size
scaleEyeH2 = 2nd eye width
scaleEyeV2 = 2nd eye openness
rotateEye2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetEyeH2 = 2nd eye distance
offsetEyeV2 = 2nd eye height
offseteyeZ2 = 2nd eye depth
scaleEyeBall2 = 2nd eyeball size
idBrowTex = eyebrow texture
idBrowShape = eyebrow shape
scaleBrowH = eyebrow width
scaleBrowV = eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow = up/down rotation
offsetBrowH = eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV = eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ = eyebrow depth
scaleBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow width
scaleBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ2 = 2nd eyebrow depth
idNoseTex = nose "preset", texture
idNoseTipShape = "width", tip shape
scaleNoseTipH = nostril width
scaleNoseTipV = nosril angle
scaleNoseTipZ = nose extension
offsetNoseTipV = veritical alignment
idNoseBridgeShape = bridge shape
scaleBridgeTipH = width
offsetBridgeTipZ = height
idMouthUpLipLine = upper lip shape
idMouthMidLipLine = middle lip shape
idMouthDownLipLine = bottom lip shape
thickUpLip = upper lip size
thickDownLip = bottom lip size
scaleMouthH = right width
offsetMouthV = vertical alignment
offsetMOuthZ = depth
idMouthTex = lip texture
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = right corner height
scaleMouthH2 = left width
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = left corner height
idEarShape = ear shape
scaleEar = ear size
offsetEarV = ear vertical alignment
idHairModel = hair model
idHairTex = hair texture
idMoustacheTex = "light" facial hair
idMoustacheSkin = "heavy" facial hair
idGoateeTex = "heavy" facial hair texture
colorHair = hair color
colorFace = face color
colorEye = ? (probably base color of eye model without a texture)
colorBrow = eyebrow color
colorMouth = lip color
colorEyeBall = eye color
colorMoustache = facial hair color
bodyID = body model
colorBody = body color
headScale = head size
upScale = chest size
waistScale = waist thickness
armWidth = arm thickness
legWidth = leg thickness
breastScale = breast size
The game’s regular customization interface doesn’t let you pick textures from other classes for your character. For example, if you want to use the Earthguard eye texture on a Human character, you’ll need to manually edit the eyeball texture in your INI file, adding the code of the Earthguide texture instead.
Here are some codes you can use to customize your character. Just swap out the current number with the one you want, save the file, and you’re good to go!
Eye codes for different races:
Human / Untamed / Winged Elf:
(M) idEyeBallTex = 48
(F) idEyeBallTex = 9
(F) idEyeBallTex = 828
(M) idEyeBallTex = 827
Earthguard / Nightshade:
(M) idEyeBallTex = 1046
(F) idEyeBallTex = 1117
Male | Female
9001 | 9101 - all seeing eyes of god
9025 | 9125 - animu 4 (triforce)
It’s only possible to use a face texture (make-up or tattoos) from a different race for Tideborn and Earthguard characters. This limitation exists because older races pull their face textures from multiple sources, and Nightshade faces are incompatible with others.
For Tideborn and Earthguard, achieving a cohesive look requires separately adjusting the face and body colors to match the chosen skin tone.
TB Male:
6001 | 6002 | 6003 | 6004 | 6300 | 6301 | 6302 | 6303 | 6304 | 6305 | 6306 | 6307
EG Male:
6005 | 6006 | 6007 | 6100 | 6101 | 6102 | 6103 | 6104 | 6105 | 6106
TB Female:
6017 | 6018 | 6019 | 6020 | 6400 | 6401 | 6402 | 6403 | 6404 | 6405 | 6406 | 6407 | 6408
EG Female:
6008 | 6009 | 6010 | 6011 | 6012 | 6013 | 6014 | 6015 | 6016 | 6200 | 6201 | 6202 | 6203 | 6204 | 6205 | 6206 | 6207
There's also a few eye shadows for females of the base 3 races, just edit idEyeHighTex
This feature determines aspects like the type of animal your Barbarian / Venomancer transforms into or the body tattoo design for your Tideborn.
Editing these settings allows for quick changes, such as switching to a different animal preset for Untamed characters or experimenting with combinations using the idFaceTex parameter.
Below is a list of presets for Untamed players who want to preserve their original INI file while exploring different animal forms:
0 - Dog
1 - Cat
2 - Deer
3 - Devil
4 - Fox
5 - Bbunny
0 - Tiger
1 - Liion
2 - Wolf
3 - Panda
Here are some examples of mixing and matching, plus a quick list for anyone who doesn’t want to dig around. This works best with the newer races since their models and textures are set up differently.
The presets shown were only tweaked by changing the bodyID and idFaceTex—nothing else was touched!
idHairModel & idHairTex
Since you can use any hair fashion from the Boutique, editing hair codes is mostly just for adding hair to Barbarians.
Because of the structural differences (like size) between normal characters and Barbs, most hairstyles will glitch on Barbs—basically, the hair ends up stuck inside the Barb’s head.
You can tweak the position and size of the hair to make it look better, but Pandas are the only model that seems to handle most hairstyles without messing up the rest of the face.
Original/Old Hair Codes
Tideborn Hair Codes
Earthguard Hair Codes
Nightshade Hair Codes