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Customize yourself

The customization process is based on 2 different ways:


1. Uppon entering the server at the Character selection screen.


2. At any Cosmetic Master.


Cosmetic Masters:


In order to customise your character you will need to purchase the Advanced Makeover Scroll from either Cubi or Event Shop. Press O in order to open both of them!


Once you purchased your Advanced Makeover Scroll, which has a customized cooldown in order to quickly apply/remove cosmetic changes done on your character. Bring the Advanced Makeover Scroll to any Cosmetic Master: Click to preview!


You will get to your Customization Panel:

Click to preview!

Click to preview!


Save your preset, that will now form a tweakable ini. file in your Evolved folder:

Click to preview!

Click to preview!


In the folders you will find your ini. file named “Example” (In our case), which, once opened will have following editable possibilities:

scaleUp = head top length/slider
scaleMiddle = head middle length/slider
scaleDown = jaw length/slider

idFaceShape1 = top face shape (can be mixed)
idFaceShape2 = bottom face shape (can be mixed)
blendFaceShape = don't know?? everybody has 50

scaleFaceH = face width
scaleFaceV = face depth/length
idFaceTex = face texture

idFalingSkin = nose crease model
idFalingTex = nose crease texture

offsetForeheadH = forehead width
offsetForeheadV = forehead height
offsetForeheadZ = forehead depth
rotateForehead = forward/backward rotation
scaleForehead = forehead size

offsetYokeBoneH = cheekbone width
offsetYokeBoneV = cheekbone height
offsetYokeBoneZ = cheekbone depth
rotateYokeBone = up/down rotation
scaleYokeBone = cheekbone size

offsetCheekH = cheek width
offsetCheekV = cheek height
offsetCheekZ = cheek depth
scaleCheek = cheek size

offsetChainV = chin height
offsetChainZ = chin depth
rotateChain = forward/backward rotation
scaleChainH = chin width

offsetJawH = jaw width
offsetJawV = jaw height
offsetJawZ = jaw depth
scaleJawSpecial = lower jaw depth
scaleJawH = horizontal width
scaleJawV = vertical alignment

idThirdEye = third eye id
idEyeBaseTex = "set", eye base texture
idEyeHighTex = eye shadow texture
idEyeBallTex = eyeball texture
idEyeShape = eye shape
scaleEyeH = eye width
scaleEyeV = eye openness
rotateEye = up/down rotation
offsetEyeH = eye distance
offsetEyeV =  eye height
offseteyeZ = eye depth
scaleEyeBall = eyeball size
scaleEyeH2 = 2nd eye width
scaleEyeV2 = 2nd eye openness
rotateEye2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetEyeH2 = 2nd eye distance
offsetEyeV2 = 2nd eye height
offseteyeZ2 = 2nd eye depth
scaleEyeBall2 = 2nd eyeball size

idBrowTex = eyebrow texture
idBrowShape = eyebrow shape
scaleBrowH = eyebrow width
scaleBrowV = eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow = up/down rotation
offsetBrowH = eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV = eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ = eyebrow depth
scaleBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow width
scaleBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ2 = 2nd eyebrow depth

idNoseTex = nose "preset", texture
idNoseTipShape = "width", tip shape
scaleNoseTipH = nostril width
scaleNoseTipV = nosril angle
scaleNoseTipZ = nose extension
offsetNoseTipV = veritical alignment
idNoseBridgeShape = bridge shape
scaleBridgeTipH = width
offsetBridgeTipZ = height

idMouthUpLipLine = upper lip shape
idMouthMidLipLine = middle lip shape
idMouthDownLipLine = bottom lip shape
thickUpLip = upper lip size
thickDownLip = bottom lip size
scaleMouthH = right width
offsetMouthV = vertical alignment
offsetMOuthZ = depth
idMouthTex = lip texture
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = right corner height
scaleMouthH2 = left width
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = left corner height

idEarShape = ear shape
scaleEar = ear size
offsetEarV = ear vertical alignment

idHairModel = hair model
idHairTex = hair texture

idMoustacheTex = "light" facial hair
idMoustacheSkin = "heavy" facial hair
idGoateeTex = "heavy" facial hair texture

colorHair = hair color
colorFace = face color
colorEye = ?? probably base color of eye model without a texture
colorBrow = eyebrow color
colorMouth = lip color
colorEyeBall = eye color
colorMoustache = facial hair color

bodyID = body model
colorBody = body color
headScale = head size
upScale = chest size
waistScale = waist thickness
armWidth = arm thickness
legWidth = leg thickness
breastScale = breast size


Our server has customized:


  • Hairstyle Fashion
  • Over 8000 Fashion pieces
  • Weapon Fashion
  • Custom Eye textures (Codes below)


Codes for our customized Eye textures:

Custom Eye Codes

Custom Face codes

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