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Undiscovered Dungeon

Undiscovered Dungeon

The Undiscovered Dungeon is waiting to be discovered! 

It's a completely new Dungeon, that will have various unique rewards, that are only available to this Dungeon.

The Core item is: 

  •  Fushi Pearl

This item can be used at the Aerocraft Dealers  that are available all over the World, in order to enhance your Flights! You can also adjust your Flyer speed at Undiscovered Demon at Archosaur West.

Giving everyone the opportunity to upgrade their flights to the speed of Event Flights.


How to Enter?

You will access the Dungeon via Undiscovered Demon at Archosaur West.


  • Minimum 8 members in your Squad
  • Players must have 90+ Level
  • Daily Quests



You will be rewarded by:

  • Finshing the Daily Quests available at Undiscovered Demon
  • Killing the Bosses and Mobs inside the Dungeon

Quests will reward you with Event Gold, a total of  28 Event Gold  

The Bosses and Mobs will reward you with various unique Items, that are used to craft:

Note: The Dungeon is harder than Molten Mines Lv.1 and Molten Mines Lv.2, so bring your strongest warriors!

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