Update Version 22

Ragnarok Event
The Ragnarok event has officially ended. We hope, that you enjoyed the yearly event on Evolved PWI 1.5.7. There will be soon more!
- Reverted the drops for Iceshard Coin from Nirvana bosses
- Added a new quest that auto attaches when you enter Nirvana Palace to kill Vanished Ancestor rewards 5x level 1 Glyphs and can be done 10 times per day - assuring everyone gets rewarded in the Squad
- Entrance to Nirvana has been reduced from 3-6 to 2-6 players to require
- Fixed the description on activating TT 3 modes about asking a Squad to activate it
- Rare occurring crash when doing Glyph growth was fixed
- Skills doing paralyze (stun) were properly adjusted to be faith-able (Genie skill: Faith)
- Gearswap won't longer remove your weapon from the slot when a buff is applied to it (Runes included)
- Barbarian Skill: Raging Slap (Green Glyph) was adjusted to display proper range effect
- Blademaster leaps have their times properly set and adjusted
- Various skill descriptions corrected (The ones being reported)
- Fixed the Seal: Broken Dreams title chain
- Fixed the Seal: Shattered Cloud title chain
Official Title Guide
Note: All Seal: Titles should now be available
- Removed the gloves from the reported Auras/Wings Fashion
- Fixed UP Quest Chain to kill Lord of Paradise
- New UP quest Lord of Paradise! AGAIN?! from now on will need to talk with Elder Events: Giver in order to complete the Quest and get the reward
- Fixed DB Ultimate Skills Client crashes
- Fixed various reported skills
- Icebound Underworld Squad Bosses have been nerfed
- Constellation Arc was fixed properly
- Reclusive Elder was added at the end of Uncharted Paradise, for those finishing their cultivation part in it
- Reduced Changeling Commander Haspon (Boss in Neverfall) cooldown from 1 hour to 10 minutes
Weapon Fashion
Adjusted some Event Scythes position
- Summer Divinity
- Anniversary Scythe
- Herald of Hell Scythe
- Heavenly Archon Scythe
New Host
We have added a new Host: