Update Version 23

Soul Harvest: Event
The legendary Event is now back!
The Soul Harvest Event has reached legendary status on Evolved PW, as it was held the last time in 2020 and after that never again. Only very few obtained the legendary: Bloody Weapons as well as unique Flights, Mounts and Pets. So don't miss your chance and get yourself a Bloody Weapon!
How to participate?
- You enter via the Soul Harvest NPC at West
- You can obtain Quests from the Soul Harvest NPC which are linked to the Invasions.
- You will need to kill a certain amount of Mobs within a specific Time window
The invasions will happen in all main cities. And will appear by the following schedule:
- 2:00 AM - 10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
The Boss (Dungeon)
- The Boss in the Dungeon will also drop rare items used in order to craft the new Soul Harvest Goods
Bloody Weapon Fashion
Soul Harvest Flights
Soul Harvest Battle Pets
Other changes:
- EP | Σ Pantheon's Blessing now includes the HP Regeneration buff
- Fixed description on Feral Soul Star
- Fixed Master of Harmony culti quest (Sage) - Requiring you to survive for 10 minutes
- Fixed Anniversary Weapon fashion design
- Sage Book pack (Blademaster) was re-added the missing Cyclone Heel
- Heroe's Blood has no time limit/spawning times (3h) anymore. It will be permanently available now in Chrono.
- Venomancer skill "Heal" was reversed to its original mechanic. In order to access the Homestead mechanic, obtain the Homestead Heal.
- Golden Glyph: Spirit Blast description fixed, will display proper percentage
- Σ Sacrificial Slash (Seeker) will now work properly reducing DEF level by 60% and increading ATK level by 60%. Defense level being reduced by a minimum of 30.
- Fixed the issue with Chienkun Stone requirement displayed when trying to upgrade gear not allowing you to proceed
- Fixed the issue with Socket stones being added to Ornaments and sometimes not letting you proceed the process
- Fixed the issue of laptops switching to the integrated graphics card instead of the actual external graphic card, which should fix many crashes for many players, that play on laptops
- Fixed Green Glyph on Venomancer