The Conqueror of Worlds has visited Evolved PWI. The sheer power this Boss possesses will go beyond your Imagination. Only few witnessed the fight between Channarong and Sarokkan Dragon - Untouched, but everyone agreed, that Channarong has completely obliterated him! Especially in his Demonic Form.
Celestial Channarong will spawn in the Area above Archosaur City and wander the fields all up to Etherblade. It's on you to spot him! But we WARNED, it's highly recommend to bring with you as MANY friends as you can anyhow gather, an entire Guild is recommended as well!
Spawn time: Tuesday and Thursday at: 12 PM - 20 PM | 20 PM - 04 AM
Demonic Channarong will spawn in Primal World and Wander the fields of Lord Tyrant fortress to Lord Tyrant Rear Camp. You shouldn't mess with this Boss, he isn't like anyone you have seen before. Bring your entire Guild, bring your Allies, bring everyone you know as you will need all the help of this world!
Spawn time: Tuesday and Thursday at: 12 PM - 20 PM | 20 PM - 04 AM
Celestial Channarong:
He will drop the following items:
Main Drop:
Side Drop:
Lets you choose between either 2x DoTs or x2 DoDs
Demonic Channarong:
Main Drop:
Side Drop:
Lets you choose between either 2x DoTs or x2 DoDs
Celestial Channarong (Quests):
Quest I: Kill Celestial Channarong 1x:
Quest II: Kill Celestial Channarong 5x:
Quest III: Kill Celestial Channarong 10x:
Quest IV: Kill Celestial Channarong 15x:
Demonic Channarong (Quests):
Quest I: Kill Demonic Channarong x1
Quest II: Kill Demonic Channarong x5
Quest III: Kill Demonic Channarong x10
Quest IV: Kill Demonic Channarong x15
The Channarong Quests can be Obtained by the Event Giver NPC in ADC West 529 663.
Requirements: Re-awakening 1 and Level. 101+
Preview the New Mounts Farmable by Channarong: Channarong Mounts (NEW)
Preview the New Weapon Fashions Farmable by Channarong: Channarong Weapon Fashion (NEW)
We have now implemented Skillsender - For those that aren't familiar, that's kinda the reason we are adding it. This tool is already available as a 3rd partition program, and therefor already used by plenty of people. That's why we decided to implement it for everyone, so it will be accessible to every player rather that to a pool of people, that are aware of it.
Skillsender preview:
As the vide shows, it will remove the delay between the loading bars for all Classes.
The new Menu:
Attention: The Skillsender for Buffs will DISABLE your Buff filters, and will force you to manually click yourself in case you want to buff yourself or your Ally.
All prices in the Cubi shop are reduced by -10% in cost for the next 7 days! Enjoy
The Guild button: Remove, as requested was coloured to red when being clicked:
You will be able now to Re-forge your Heaven's Light (R9R4 - Pataka), into a new Melee Based Pataka at Cauldron of Ascension in ADC Centre:
Attention: You will need to have Heaven's Light Pataka Crafted. You CAN'T change it back to the old Pataka once you decided to make the melee Version!
All Basic Badges required to craft Rising Dawn Gear: Awakened Lionheart/Ashura Armor were changed to Perfect Token of Luck.
Basic Badges < = >
Perfect Token of Luck
In order to offer our players a Mid-Game gear.
We have added Teleport scrolls to the Cubi Shop, that will teleport you depending on the Stone to either:
Requirements are listed on the Items
The New oracles, added in the previous Patch had wrong descriptions. This was now fixed.
Is now fixed and set up to work correctly. It will launch at its retail times and reward the retail Items.
All 3 Public Quests were fixed and work now properly.
Both items are now stackable to x99999
Buff Merchant was added to the following Dungeons at their entrance:
All 3 were added to Archosaur South for decomposing purposes.
Was added to ADC West and ADC North, at the Bridges.
The Mini-map was reversed back to its original size. IF you liked the size increased Mini-Map, pleased DM Raven or BeasT on Discord in order to receive a File, that will re-enable it
Is now also available at ADC West, right behind the Event Giver NPC