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Update Version 36-37

Update Version 36-37



  • Multiple client crashes fixed due to the 64 bits Migration. All that got reported so far for individual cases
  • Fixed the circumstances, where a char would not load the F1 Bar upon entering the game when firstly created (previously a relog fixed it)
  • Fixed a circumstance where new characters doesn't have quests automatically traced and the characters windows toggled on
  • Fixed Dyeable mounts - You can now dye them normally (Only the ones being dye-able)
  • Fixed and added measurement to prevent users getting stuck in the navigation section in UP 
  • Added three post processing effects to improve all visuals quality (Accessible via Settings Menu)
  • Added a Spacebar hotkey when talking with npcs to skip the Quest interaction - picking always the first option
  • Removed all Idle animations when characters remain idle, kept only few Weapon based animations and increased their interval inbetween
  • Changed the Server time from 0-12 to 0-24 format.
  • Rebirth Interface will now display correctly the next level

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