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Jungle Ruins

Evolved Jungle Ruins

Evolved Jungle ruins, is a customised Racing Dungeon. It has only a minor requirement of Level 55. and will be available DAILY for each participant. The Entrance Quest is Daily - The Main Dungeon Quest has a duration of: 2 Hours (Completion time)

          • Treasure Seeker of the Jungle will spawn the following Times:
            • 3:00 AM - 6:00 AM,  9:00 AM - 12:00 AM,  15:00 PM -18:00 PM, 21:00 PM - 24:00 PM
      • The NPC will be available after it spawns for the next 3 hours followed with a proper announcement



You may enter Jungle Ruins daily at the NPC called: Treasure Seeker of the Jungle at 583 634 (ADC West)

There are different Chambers with different Tasks. This Thread will guide through the new Dungeon from start to beginning




You will find yourself in the starting Chamber that includes 3 NPCs:

  • Guide of the Ruins (Main)
  • Relic Keeper - Cutter (Optional)
  • Crest Forger (Optional)


About the NPCs:


Guide of the Ruins

Main NPC, that will start the Race and is required in order to successfully finish the Dungeon. So take the Quest "Forest Ruin Expedition" at 1st!

Relic Keeper - Cuttler

A Side NPC, which is very important, in case you decide to participate in the Side Quest (Rendomised RewardOptional - Reward of the Dungeon Jungle Ruins. At this NPC you will be able to choose between:

  • Devil Ring
  • Heaven Ring

The quest itself is called Heaven or Devil and your Choice will be very important in the LAST chamber of the Dungeon. Where the NPC: Harbringer of Blessings maye or may not reward you depending on the random generate item he requests. (1 of 2)

Relic Keeper - Polisher (431 522)

A Side NPC, which is very important, in case you decide to participate in the Side Quest (Randomised) Side - Reward of the Dungeon Jungle Ruins. At this NPC you will be able to choose between:

  • Jade: Karma
  • Jade: Flame
  • Jade: Ash
  • Jade: Emerald
  • Jade: Feather
  • Jade: Mystery
  • Jade: Pain
  • Jade: Drew

These are all different type of Belts, that you can pick, choose wisely, you can not change your mind after taking 1 Quest. They will be just like the rings from "Relic Keeper - Cuttler" important in the last Chamber. The NPC: Harbringer of Blessings maye or may not reward you depending on the random generate item he requests (1 of 8).

Crest Forger

A Side NPC, which is based around the Jungle Guardian NPCs and the Tasks they will have for you (5 NPCs available - Contribution based) Side - Reward of the Dungeon. You may choose to do these quests (Max. 5 Quests, Min. 1 Quest) or not.

You will be rewarded with Shattered Jungle Crest from the Side Quest NPCs:

  • Jungle Guardian Mountain
  • Jungle Guardian Flour
  • Jungle Guardian Glitter
  • Jungle Guardian Spark
  • Jungle Guardian Flood
Note: Each of these Quests requires harvesting of certain items in the Jungle Race Dungeon or killing a certain mob (Auto-Path)

The Shattered Jungle Crest is used at the Crest Forge NPC in the last Chamber (Or at the beginning) in order to pick either:

  • 1 Event Gold
  • 2 Event Gold
  • 3 Event Gold
  • 4 Event Gold
  • 5 Event Gold
Depending on how many Side Quests you have finished during the 2 hours of Jungle Ruins Race


The Race:

At this point you should have already picked either a Devil or Heaven Ring, one of the Jade: Belts and your Inventory should have a Jade:Bead item. These 3 items are picked by you, and will be randomly generated as required items at the Harbringer of Blessings NPC at the Last Chamber of our new Dungeon.

IMPORTANT: IF you picked the WRONG items, Harbringer of Blessings won't have any Quests for you!

It's all about reaching the last chamber. As mentioned before you will start near the 3 main NPCs and you will have to work your way through the labyrinth of Jungle Ruins, filled with Traps, deadly mobs and many many hidden mechanics, that will make your Run a fascinating but challenging adventure!

During this race you will encounter 5 NPCs, called the Jungle Guardians, which will give you side quests, in order to maximize your final reward!

Your choices are crucial, whether if it's the right ring you've picked at the start or the Jade: Belt, that you'll have to pick from Relic Keeper * Polisher, which then will be essential for your Final reward. These optional tasks will decided whether you get a decent reward in form of Event Gold or an extremely BIG reward in form of Event Gold 





1st Reward (Main) Completing the Race in different Times (You won't be told what they are), going from Fastest time to Slowest:

  • 1st = 4 Event Gold
  • 2nd = 2 Event Gold
  • 3rd = 1 Event Gold
  • 4th = 55 Event Silver
  • 5th = 20 Event Silver
Note: The main quest has a 2 hours time limit. If you don't finish it within 2 hours it will fail. 
Reward at the last chamber (Coordination based)


2nd Reward (Optional) Completing all Side Quests (Jungle Guardians NPCs):

  • 1x Shattered Jungle Crest = 1 Event Gold
  • 2x Shattered Jungle Crest = 2 Event Gold
  • 3x Shattered Jungle Crest = 3 Event Gold
  • 4x Shattered Jungle Crest = 4 Event Gold
  • 5x Shattered Jungle Crest = 5 Event Gold
Reward at the NPC: Crest of Forger


3rd Reward (Optional) Picking the right Devil or Heaven Ring

  • Correct Ring = 75 Event Silver
  • Incorrect Ring = 0 Event Gold
Reward at the NPC: Harbringer of Blessings


4th Reward (Optional) Picking the right Jade: Belt: 

  • Correct Belt = 2 Gold
  • Incorrect Belt = 0 Gold
Reward at the NPC: Harbringer of Blessings


5th Reward (Extra) - Picking the Right Ring and Belt:

  • Correct Belt and Ring  = 5 Gold
  • Incorrect Belt and Ring = 0 Gold
Reward at the NPC: Ruin Altar

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