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Update Version 10 - Valentine's Special

Valentine's Special

Welcome to our Evolved Valentine's Special!

The patch Version is 10. You will find all necessary information regarding the Valentine's Special below.


How to participate in the Valentine's Special?


  • You must be married
  • You have to be in a squad with your Wife or Husband
  • The Leader will have the Quests displayed to him

All Quests are located at the NPC Valentines Agent in Archosaur West. (Coordinates: 525 663)

The quests are strictly requiring the couple to kill certain Bosses, displayed in the Quests:

Happy Couple VI
  1. Farren Sereneti 
  2. Calcid of the Flame 
  3. Hercule Trioc 
Happy Couple V
  1. Fushma - Hexocelot Lieutenant 
  2. Rankar - Ferocious Ironskin 
  3. Fallen Warmonk
Happy Couple IV
  1. Zimo 
  2. Ofotis 
  3. Qianji
Happy Couple III
  •  Quest :Kill:
  1. Raving Drake Brute 
  2. Gluttonix 
Happy Couple II
  •  Quest :Kill:
  1. Resentful Pyrosteosis
  2. Damned Gaurnob 
  3. Cenequus Polearm 
Happy Couple I
  1. Stygean Quartermaster 
  2. Bloodlusted Loon 
  3. Brigand Transient

A New Quest, that requires protecting your loved one while researching the Eiffel Tower.

Rewards for all Quests:

  Valentines Gift

Valentines Agent

The Valentines Agent will reward you with unique and Valentines Special only Weapon FashionsMounts and Flights swhich are designed in a Romantic Theme.

Aside of the Quest you may also get a very unique Skill, that is only useful for Married players!

  • Lover's Connection



Valentine's - Mounts (2021 Event)
Valentine's - Flights (2021 Event)
Valentine's - Weapon Fashion (2021 Event)
Valentine's - Weapon Fashion (2023 Event)
Valentine's Fashion (2023 Event)
Valentine's Genies (2023 Event)



Other Changes

  • Fixed TW Double Edge Sword (Weapon Fashion)
  • Updated Requested (Custom) Titles
  • Updated Guild icons
  • Fixed the Five Stars In A Line quest to ask for right spot/area
  • Fixed view all button on TW map
  • Fixed player position on armored raptor mount (Mount)
  • Fixed SB Sage Frozen Lightning skill
  • Fixed TW bidding, now when someone max bids on a land, nobody can outbid it
  • Enabled ground battle pets inside arigora arena
  • Added Requested Guild banners to their requested locations

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